Thursday, February 07, 2008


take one of these:

give it to a boy to play with (for the record, I didn't actually give it to him, he decided he wanted Hannah's tea set to play with), and get distracted by laundry and dishes.

THIS is what you get:

Any idea on how long those types of bruises take to go away? It looks like he got a hickey...from a VACUUM! At first, I thought he ate a blue crayon (or blueberries, but we ran out of those, so I KNEW it was not that....) Then, when I asked him what he did, he told me he was just sucking on one of Hannah's cups...EEEK!




Sue said...

OMG Linda, that looks just awful :( Poor Scotty and of course poor Mommy 'cause now she feels guilty :(

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Oh my! I hope it goes away soon! Yikes!

Christy said...

It looks more chapped than bruised. I hope it fades quickly!

Bobkat said...

Apparently eyes in the back of your head would be useful! Por kid. I guess he won't be doing that again in a hurry.

Thanks for your comment and the info. I have also been told to rest my leg for a few days and to take pain killers if it hurts too much and to use the heat/ice treatment. However, I am also eating bananas as they contain potassium and drinking tonic water as it contains quinnine and both are supposed to help cramp. I hope your leg is improved soon but do ring your doctor and find out for sure it isn't DVT.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Sigh, another victim of Self Induced Toy Teacup Hickey Syndrome, or SITTHS. When will the madness end?

Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog . Life with children keeps things interesting doesn’t it? Leave a spoon in the fridge for a while then put it on the bruise, it’s supposed to help.

Thanks for your comment.

Kim said...

His first hickey. Those photos are keepers for embarrassing him when he brings home girls!