Friday, August 15, 2008

How much...

exercise is it if you ride a bike 2 miles...towing a trailer with a 40 pound toddler in it? Just wondering...

and yeah, for your information, I did do that. And I plan on doing it more regularly, too. Took a path called The Linear Trail and rode it...didn't know where it went (I always thought it went under Ft. Riley Blvd, but I was mistaken!)...but now I know! And Scotty enjoyed it.

And the cars and drivers truly were courteous to me as I drove on the big honking, and some actually yielded to me to let me get in the proper turning lanes!!!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I have a seat on the back of my bike for Chase. He loves riding with me. And we're surrounded by hills so the work out is excruciating but worth it.