Friday, August 22, 2008


South Carolina.


place? GOOD

timing? BAD

that is all.


Anonymous said...

If you'll be near the coast it will be worth it. Michele sent me swimming this way.

Rachelle Jones said...

do not move yourself NEVER

Basement Stamper said...

where are you moving to in SC? I'm about 2 hours from there.

Barbara said...

Have you been reading my blog? I sooooo know your pain. We can have a moving pity-party together!

Testuser said...

I'm IN SC -- in the Upstate near Greenville - if we're going to be neighbors, we should get together sometime!

SC in December is not too bad - you shouldn't have any bad weather to deal with. We usually don't see snow or anything until February.


rennratt said...

I'm only an hour or so from the NC/SC Border. Which side of the state will you be on?

Email me.

I'll help however I can.

berrypatch said...

One word comes to mind - UGH! ;-) However, on the upside think of all the great photo ops you'll have in a new state!!!! Look for that silver lining.... LOL

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you! Any news on the housing front? You should be an "old pro" at this by now, heck this is only across part of the country, not a different continent. No tornados (hopefully), a lot less snow, and closer to the ocean. However, I know that you will miss all of the friends that you have made there. Just remember that your PA friends love you all very much and we will always be here for you!

Anonymous said...

Well... you'll love it in SC Linda, can't wait to see the photos.

I always like reading your Blog, the photos are getting more interesting... but then I'm partial to food.

Don't worry about your daughter getting invited to a sleepover at her (boy) friends house, at her age it's innocent. My daughter was in love with 'Mikey' since the second grade and they always said they would get married. When my daughter was 10, she asked me if her and Mikey could live in seperate houses after they got married, I asked 'Why'?

She said "I heard if people live together, they grow babies, I want to adopt like you and Mom".

She's 14 now and has zero interest in 'Mikey', in fact, I bring her along on Scout camp-outs and she bosses the boys around and she really knows her stuff!

Happy Moves Linda


Ali said...

I'm sure you will make the best of this!!!

Kim said...

Okay, friend. Let me in on this. Why does it seem like bad timing? I know this move will be tough, but I soooo look forward to your being closer! Love ya!

carmilevy said...

I feel for ya, yet I know you'll rise to this opportunity as you have every other one you've faced to date.

I wish I could learn your lessons in relocating your family. You could probably write a book about it by now!

Sending your family only good thoughts as you get ready to pull up stakes and lay down new roots. South Carolina will be incredibly lucky to have you.

The Mrs. said...

ooh SC I'm jealous! Could be worse... you could be moving up here in december!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ah, Linda....ugh....on the timing but the location sounds great.

Nestor Family said...

Where in SC will you be? When we were almost moving to SC, I was pretty excited about the weather there... and all the new outdoor activities we would have to check out. Also, I think there are good BBQ places there AND McAllister's Delis are down there, too! (I checked it out when we were potentially moving.)

I know moving is interesting (and lots of hard work). I hope for the best for you and family while you do it.

Debbie said...

Wow, Linda, didn't you just move? I guess it probably was a while ago. I think you'll love SC, but December is a tough time to move.

Sue said...

Good thing, for me anyway, I love traveling to SC -- Kansas is "alright" but SC near Charleston? The bomb :)