Friday, August 22, 2008

no way....

My daughter was invited to a birthday party. For a BOY. (okay, that's not really odd, since we have many boys in the neighborhood and have been to several boy parties). But this one? a SLEEPOVER! Ah, but worse yet? This boy, her classmate, LIKES her. Yeah...we tease her that he's her boyfriend (he actually has 2 girlfriends; the other is a good friend of Hannah's as well, and all three were in the same class last year AND are again in the same class)

Okay, I KNOW they don't think in THAT way, but still....boy/girl sleepovers are just something I am not ready for. Heck, I'm not ready for sleepovers in general. I've already promised her she could sleep over her friend Ashlyn's house, once everyone is settled into a school routine.

I don't know when I started going to sleep overs. Luckily, we were given an "out" of the party, since a few others are NOT staying (though the other girl IS).

And on a side note: though we tease Hannah about this boy, we know he's a good kid. I didn't really think much about how our moving would affect others. We were talking to the parents of Hannah's classmates (these parents also happened to be Scotty's Sunday school teachers) about our move and they said "Oh, HG is going to be HEART BROKEN! We talked to his dad today and HG said he was happy because his two girlfriends were in his class" Oh my.....


Sue said...

And so it begins ....... both the leaving heartaches and the boy/girls stuff :) -- I was freaking out when I found out that D's sis let a boy spend the night with two thirteen year old girls........the girls started the sleepovers young around 7 I would say -- gives mom a small break...just saying....

Suzanne said...

Yikes...boy/girl sleepovers? Sleepovers in general give me the willies. We decided a long time ago that we don't/won't ever do sleepovers. I have known too many people to have bad things happen to them, and I've known good, upstanding parents who have been falsely accused of doing bad things. The most our kids get in the way of sleepovers is when we are with family and they are sleeping in the same house with cousins.
Good luck with the move and all that. I agree...I wouldn't want to move in December.

rennratt said...

Oh, wow.

Nooze started with sleepovers when she was 2 months old. (She was at my gf's around the corner from us.)

I have only dealt with boy/girl sleep overs when it involved a brother and sister.

Never just the boy, though. How did it all turn out?

Kim said...

Oh my. I don't think I'd be okay with that either. Just off somehow!

The Mrs. said...

I never once had a boy/girl sleepover and I can say with almost 100% certainty my children wont be either!

JBBGirl said...

Kids get big so fast. Where does time go! Yeah, the sleep overs I think I have to agree with you and all of the other moms. Just not an all around good idea. You just never know. Sorry I have been missing in action here lately. I need to get on my blog and look at everyone's on a more regular basis. I miss it! HUGS!