Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thematic Photographic - Faded

This is Carmi's theme for this week: faded, zooms in on stuff thay may be a little older, a little run down, a little broken, a little humble, a little forgotten....hmmmm....I've had dreams of going out and photographing some of the old barns and windmills around here...but haven't done that as yet. So....

I went through my photos, looking to find something that might fit the bill. Yeah, I have a lot of stuff, buildings and whatnot from Europe...but I thought this was apropos:

She's the matriarch of the Sunset Zoo chimpanzees...she's old....she's faded...maybe a little forgotten.....


smarmoofus said...

Wow. She almost looks human. Don't tell my mother I said so, but she reminds me a bit of my grandfather.

And, I agree... very appropriate for faded.


shutter girl said...

I remember her from when we were stationed at Ft. Riley back in '95! She was faded then...glad to know she is still kicking!

Sue said...

You could have just used a picture of ME!!! LOL -- I am old and faded :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww what a grand old lady she is! Thanks for sharing this photo!


MamaCta! said...

Even if faded a little, she looks really sweet. That is a great picture for the theme.

carmilevy said...

There's such beauty in her if she's inviting us to learn something about her long, eventful life.

This is such a wonderful contribution to this week's theme!

Lindsay Gray said...

I wanted to let you know we started posting some of your recipes at 'MRE's: Not for Me' today.

I'll get to the rest of them soon.
They all look delicious! Thank you!

Oh and I've been snooping around your blog and just love it!

awareness said...

What a grand old lady.....waiting to tell her life story.

Give her a rocking chair and the chance.......we may learn a thing or two from her. :)

Unknown said...

ahhh, what a sweetheart.... she looks wise. Imagine if she could talk... she would have a lot to say, I would think.

She is very photogenic... I enjoyed.

Robin said...

She looks every inch a wise old matriach, from her deep sad eyes to her faded leathery skin.

She's beautiful.

Great take on the prompt.

Heather said...

Oh, I love this! What a great interpretation of the theme this week!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Great interpretation of the theme. She touches my heart. They so human in their expressions and body language. Wonderful shot!

me said...

Faded, but hasn't faded away. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

She probably wouldn't like it...but, I'd love to give her a big hug!