life flies by without even realizing it!
Last week, both kids were at VBS. (vacation bible school for those who have never heard of it). They went to Mt. Horeb UMC for their "Crocodile Dock". My friend Melissa goes to MHUMC, and her daughter and Hannah got to be in the same crew. Scotty was in the pre-K (5 year old) room. Melissa tried to talk me into volunteering, but no way, no how! I will volunteer for "God's Flight Plan" at my church come August.
Let me tell you...I have never, EVER, in my life heard of a church offering THREE sessions of VBS in one week! MHUMC had an evening session (started on 6/14 and ended on 6/18)...and they had an a.m. and afternoon session during the week (6/15-6/19). The kids went to the a.m. session...I was just flabbergasted! I couldn't believe
a: how many people were there...they had HUGE amounts of kids participating!
b: how many people were registering on the first day...crazy...this makes it really hard for a church to plan (crafts and snacks).
c: how many parents got t-shirts for their kids (they were $8 each, but to see the sea of green shirts was AMAZING).
d: how well-organized this event was. They had TRAFFIC directors...finding you places to park! They had "in" and "out" doors to make the flow to and from the building even better!
But the best, the VERY best part of all? Watching the kids at the closing session...the sanctuary was full...FULL with kids...and they were jumping and dancing and singing for GOD! I broke out in tears; it was incredibly moving! When I spoke to a few of the volunteers, they said they expected final numbers to be around 1500 kids....ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED KIDS who heard God's message that week, EVERY DAY! And imagine, there were likely many who were hearing about God for the first, wow, WOW!
Lots of rain last week...lots of HOT last week (heat indices moved close to the 110's!!). Not as much pool time as wanted due to all this (seriously...when it's 102 degrees out, the pool is not truly's bathwater!).
Scott and I hit Weight Watchers with a vengeance this week. We decided we would be SERIOUS about weight loss...we both want to drop about 25 lbs. We agreed that a goal of 10 lbs in 3 weeks was reasonable (for our vacation). So...this last week, I lost 4, and Scott lost 5.5 lbs! FANTASTIC! And we did have some "slip" days...he had to travel on Thursday, so it's not quite as easy to make healthy choices (but he did pretty darned good), and we ate out for Father's Day...but still accomplished a good loss!!!
Yesterday was Father's Day, and we got Scott a Sony digital camcorder with a 60 gig hard drive. He got to play around with it a bit...and this is the result:
it was a lot of fun to see him enjoy his gift! We also got him a car washing wand. We went out to Monterrey for Mexican food for dinner last night (see reference in weight loss, above, lol). It was, by far, the best place we have found around here...and it's still not super-good...but it's likely where we'll go most often.
anyway...that's about it for now...lunch, then pool...I think!
Monday, June 22, 2009
written by
11:32 AM
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That is...A LOT of children! We have VBS this's the first day, so there was some crashing! The girls are out! Scotty is adorable in that movie. You guys are so clever!
1500 kids?!?!?! YIKES! We had our first day of VBS today & I think we had 20 kids - TOTAL - ages 2 up to 12!
Loved the video! B was in the other room & heard the theme start & BOLTED in here! All the boys loved it! I did too. ;-)
great video...
We've had the temps and humidity right there with ya. Unfortunately, though, we've not had the rain that a lot of folks get. Ed is trying to keep his new grass alive with the hose! :)
We did Croc. Dock too! I helped with Singing/Dancing and also a bit in the snack room, well for 3 days and then we got sick.
I'll watch the video later!
I just gave you a blog award. ;-)
Sounds like vbs was a roaring success! And good luck to you both on the weightloss. It's so much easier to stick to it when your spouse is on board.
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