Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July to all of you...

A snippet of last night's Torchlight Tattoo concert - the nation's official march, performed by the 282nd Army Band of Ft. Jackson, SC. SCOTT'S BAND!!!


Bobkat said...

Great video. I love hearing bands play :)

Kim said...

They sounded awesome! Must feel good to be a military wife on the Fourth of July!
BTW...why was it called the Torchlight Tattoo concert? Can't wait to see those fireworks pics!

Debs said...

I was there Friday night with my family. We attended each year when our children were growing up and now with our grandson. No better way to teach patriotism.
One of our own is away from us in service at the moment.
We all applauded a heartfelt thank you to our men in service to their country.

JBBGirl said...

Hey, this is Jessica from "When life gives you lemons"

I love to follow your blog and noticed you have mine linked on yours also.

This is just an FYI that my blog address has changed since I am starting a new blog.

Here is my "NEW" blog Name & address:
"Greetings From Japan"

I have you linked on the new blog. If this is a issue or concern just let me know!


P.S. Great music BTW!!