Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

It's Father's Day, so I've abandoned Scott with Hannah to come check email...he's playing cards with her right now, and I wanted to check email (after 4 days) and read some blogs.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there who happen to be reading this. To my dad, if you're reading this: Hope you have a great Father's Day and there's a card on the way, if not already there!

Scott's a great father to our kids. He plays endlessly with them, letting him crawl all over him. He comforts, cajoles, teases, and most of all, loves them with all his heart. He's mostly soft- hearted, but has a strong guiding hand and can be a strict disciplinarian. He's the one the kids go to after I've said "no", with the hopes that he'll overrule me (sometimes, but not always!). He got this great example of being a father from HIS father. I know that today, of all days, he would love to be able to tell his dad thank you. I know that somehow, he'll find a way to make sure his dad knows.

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