I feel like I need to blog some everyday, regular stuff! Sometimes, I just get caught up in looking for the AWESOME stuff and forget that life happens every day!
So...generally, things are good. Hannah's enjoying school, has made some friends...and...Oh, great...I FORGOT. She was invited to a birthday party which was YESTERDAY, and I just totally forgot. and we did absolutely nothing. I feel HORRIBLE about this now. And I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't been blogging. Talk about bad mommy. Don't put me in for any Mom of the Year awards. Sheesh. And she was really looking forward to this. Crap.
Well, we'll go get the gift (I meant to get this on Friday, and had I actually DONE this, we might have remembered - I SUCK as a mom sometimes), and she can give it to her friend on the bus today. STUPID.
Okay - back to Hannah. She's got some friends. She had a playdate on Friday (since there was a teacher in-service day) and had a good time. She doing great at school. She's come home with citizenship awards and responsibility awards, which means that she's learning something there! There isn't a day that passes without something in the backpack. It's a treat for me to check it out every day!
Scotty...well, he's just Scotty. Rambunctious, exuberant, full of life and joy. Temperamental, LOUD, your average boy!!! He's getting so smart, too. He's got his colors and shapes down pretty well. He sings a mean ABC song, along with most others. He LOVES to sing in the car. I wish I could record him sometime, it's too cute, especially when he's singing songs from Serengeti Trek (Hannah's bible school cd). He's definitely building a personality, and his independence is coming through, but he still has his moments - like wanting us to carry him up the stairs when he just feels too lazy to carry him.
Scott's finally getting better after a bout with the flu. Just knocked him flat on his back for a few days. Things are getting back to normal, which is good.
I went to the Ft. Riley OCSC (Officer and Civilian Spouses Club) meeting on Thursday. I was a bit worried about the childcare issue, because Scotty has NOT been doing well in childcare anywhere. I had to leave my PWOC meeting the last time because he cried for 40 minutes STRAIGHT. Yeah, manipulative little guy sometimes. He cried for another 20 minutes just to be sure I knew he was not happy. Anyway...
I dropped him off at the ASYMCA (Armed Services YMCA) and he screamed up a storm. I was prepared to come get him after a 1/2 hour. But I never got a call. My friend Sandra dropped her daughter off and said he wasn't crying (till he saw her and recognized her), but overall, he did quite well and was not crying when I got back to get him. It was a good day for me though. I had some adult time and met a few new people...AND...I won 2 door prizes! One was a $25 gift certificate to any Chamber of Commerce business in Council Grove (about 25 miles from here), and then I won, of all things, 2 tickets to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri! They're good for the rest of this year, so who knows? Maybe we'll take a 4 day weekend and just head down there...depends on how far it is from here. If not, well, it's not a big loss!
So there it is, in a nutshell...no Mommy of the Year award for me, and just a little life.
Monday, September 25, 2006
just stuff
written by
9:48 AM
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if occasionally screwing up (which is inherently human) knocks you out of the running for Mom of the Year, then NO ONE WILL WIN....
Besides, if you win Mom of the Year, you'd be famous and who really wants that? You wouldn't be able to sing in the car, pick your nose and deal with a wedgie in public....
You should really think these things out, Linda.
LOL -- I am with SB -- we all screw up -- you could be the dad of the year who put his kids on the bus to HIGH SCHOOL instead of MIDDLE SCHOOL or the mom who hits her child for no other reason than she was there. We all have issues with forgetfulness and procrastination so I say, dust yourself off and make tomorrow a better day :)
Hi Linda! Just got the address for your blog. I am enjoying reading it! I love the one about the tooth...very creative.
Debbie from CWOLF
Hon, just wait until you get the invitation a MONTH ahead of time, get your daughter riled up - and write it on the wrong day.
Then plan to drive 30 minutes to another town for the party. Call your friend (mom of the birthday girl)- and check to see if she needs last minute stuff - Then find out the party was THE DAY BEFORE.
Not that it's ever happened to me...
Go to Silver Dollar city! It's been years (high school) since I was last yr but it was a lot of fun! It's probably about 5, maybe 6 hrs away in Branson! You can do your SDC day and then enjoy Branson and just the beauty of the Ozarks!
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